Hi there & welcome to my site.
I’m so glad you stopped by. Let me tell you a little bit about myself and my photography journey.
First off, I’ll state the obvious … I absolutely love photography - capturing special moments in time, showcasing a person or place, mastering the lighting, geeking out on the technology, and best of all, the unlimited subjects and settings that await my lens.
My photography career has spanned 3 decades, two provinces, more than 10,000 photoshoots, and every genre of photography you can imagine.
Located in southern Ontario, my goal is to work with my clients to achieve and deliver the photography they are looking for - whether for business, family, personal, commercial or fine art  - … and I love doing it.
You can find my images on billboards, in magazines, websites and business profiles throughout the world.  Much of my commercial work is represented by Getty images and my artistic prints are sold privately . To see a sample of the many types of photography I am proficient in, please visit my PORTFOLIO PAGE
If you are looking for a professional photographer to capture something that is integral to your business or close to your heart, or perhaps you are looking to present a photography workshop, please contact me at jim@jimcraigmyle.com
All the best,

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